
Phil Hahn
Principal Investigator

I am an Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Entomology & Nematology at the University of Florida. My research is at the interface of population, community, and evolutionary ecology focusing on plant-herbivore interactions. Current research themes in the lab include the evolution of plant defense against insects, spatial variation in plant-herbivore interactions, and insect community ecology. I am primarily interested in fundamental questions in ecology using herbaceous plants and insect herbivores in grasslands, although we are also interested in applied questions related to ecosystem management, such as understanding invasion dynamics and how herbivores influence ecological restoration. To address these questions, we combine observational and experimental approaches in the lab, greenhouse, and field at scales from local patches to populations and communities distributed across bioclimatic gradients.
Curriculum vitae
Google scholar

Jasleen Kaur
PhD Student

Jasleen’s research interests center around investigating the complex mechanisms underlying tri-trophic interactions among plants, herbivores, and their natural enemies in natural habitats. She has MS in Biology from University of Texas RGV where she studied the effects of mycorrhizal inoculation on plant growth, defenses and tri-trophic interactions. Previously she completed her BS in Agriculture, specializing in crop protection from Punjab Agricultural University, India. Ultimately, she strives to utilize her research to devise sustainable pest management strategies.

Jacob Herschberger
PhD Student

Jacob is broadly interested in how coevolutionary interactions change within different biological communities. He is specifically interested in how antagonistic (insect herbivores) and mutualistic interactions (insect pollinators) influence and interact with plant chemistry in different plant genotypes and environments. He received his BS in Biology at Millersville University of Pennsylvania and then received his MS of Biology at the University of Alabama.


Lucia Navia

Toni Jordan-Millet


Emma Hair

Emma is a sophomore at the University of Florida majoring in environmental science with a minor in entomology. She is in her first semester working in the lab, and through her experience has gained interests in biocontrol and plant defenses. She has a general interest in natural resource conservation and hopes to continue conducting research throughout her undergraduate degree. She is looking forward to further investigating ecology and other environmental disciplines through a graduate degree.


Join the lab!


Eduardo Calixto, postdoc, currently postdoc at WFREC

Rebecca Molina, BS and Technician, currently MS student in Huseth Lab at NC State University

Robert Grosdidier, MS 2023, currently PhD student in Ingwell Lab at Purdue University

Marirose Kuhlman, MS 2022, currently at Missoula County Weed District

Sarah Kroening, Technician, currently Minnesota Mosquito Control District

Joseph Cammarano, Technician, currently technician at University of Minnesota


Emma Silverman, 2023, Undergraduate Researcher

Jacobo Budoff-Corujo, 2023, Undergrad Researcher

Jaren Abraham, BS 2021, Honors Student and University Scholar

Erin Clifton, Undergraduate Researcher, currently in Pharmacy Department